Monday, February 20, 2012

Chris Brown 5k

"What do you predict will happen on the next page?" This is a phrase I use often while reading stories to preschool classes. But this time the question was, "What time do you predict you'll finish the race?"  A prediction watches allowed, no calling of splits at the miles markers. During registration you wrote down your guess at your finish time, and the winners were determined by who came closest to their time guess.

And they're off!
The race was held Sunday afternoon on the campus of IPFW in Ft. Wayne. The course wound around the sidewalks with many turns and twists. It was an enjoyable route...with good support letting racers know which direction to head.
Cheeser at the beginning

Several great things about this race. First, I set a new PR with a time of 32:34 (my prediction was 32:18). Second, this is the first race I ran the entire course with no walking!There were plenty of goodies to eat once the race was completed, including three choices of soup. And here is a great one...there were about 40 stalls in the women's restroom!!  I've been at a race with only 1 potty...not fun.
Just after the two mile mark

My Dad met me there and was "official" photographer for me.  Afterwards my daughter and I went on out to my parents' house for a nice visit.

Here she comes! The last 1/2 mile they kept saying, "Almost there."

Still cheesing at the end!

Look!! AIR!

What did they say my time was? After crossing the finish line, we had to write down our time on an index card...was not expecting this!
Phew! February race done. On to first 10k.