Saturday July 16...IU East in Richmond...Run with the Wolves 5k. My first running race in 20 years. I know this because I still have the dark blue t-shirt from Butler with a July 1991 date. Age 22 vs. 42...would have enjoyed knowing my time for the date many years ago. As I was searching through some old papers, I did find a time for a 5k race I ran in Auburn at age 15. It was completed in 29:21. Wondering if that time could be repeated again someday.
So at at the race, I was nervous before the start, but not as much so as at the younger ages. Wisdom of time? Plus, I kept telling myself the little phrase used frequently in preschool: You get what you get (and you don't pitch a fit). I knew my time would be what ever happen...that I would not be last...that I could walk the entire distance and still not be last. I had run/walked the 3.1 mile distance twice before Saturday with times between 41-43 minutes. My hope was for a 40 minute time. Had no idea that I would exceed my goal on the first attempt. On the overcast but humid morning I finished the race in 37:53. When I run, I normally use my phone as the timer keeper and distance tracker. For the race, I chose to leave the phone with the hubby & daughter. Therefore, was not able to check my time as frequently as during a workout run. The race staff had splits called at the 1 and 2 mile markers, and I knew from those I was ahead of pace. Now, could that be kept up for the final mile? Yes!
This race was part of the Wayne County Challenge series. They offer a race each month at various places throughout Wayne County, and I think I might like try the rest of them.
It was fun seeing so many people that I recognize from the WW & Hagerstown area. What was really cool, was knowing the overall female winner...Hayley Rogers. Her mom worked at the daycare my daughter attended, and she was young enough at that time that she attended the after school program. Hayley has also been a helper in some of Emily's dance classes over the years.
Yes, a six year old beat me, as did Pat Bower's who is my Mom's age. Had I known how close to the finish I was, might have been able to pass her. My knees liked running on the ground rather than pavement. I started out sticking behind the friend who invited me to try this, but eventually passed and pushed myself a bit more. Enjoyed the course, and was even with it just enough to notice a spot with Black Eyed Susan's and other wildflowers blooming. The trail went through mostly field area, but also had a nice stretch in the woods. Rolling slopes, flat spots, and a few touches of shade made up the course. The worst spot for me was right at the beginning with the Queen Anne's Lace that everyone had to walk through to get to the start line...that stuff makes me sneeze!
(Me in the white shirt just before the finish line)
I have been walking since mid-March, but the race was only the 12th time I had done any running, so I don't think I did too bad. There are short term goals for this year, a goal for next September, and a possible goal for further on out. Naturally, all of this is dependent upon my joints holding up!! I generally run/walk two days, do just a longer walk, then a day off.
And on a sillier note, I really like the race shirts!